Moisture. For Your Mouth.

Sunshine and Spliffs: Elevate Your Summer Bucket List with Cannabis

Suns out, blunts out! Summer is officially here and the possibilities are endless. Now is the time to break free from routine, indulge in new experiences, and create memories that will warm your hearts long after the season fades. And what better way to elevate your summer bucket list than by embracing the joys of cannabis?

Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or someone curious about exploring the world of cannabis, incorporating it into your summer escapades can add a new layer of excitement and relaxation. From beach days to scenic hikes, bbqs to late nights under the stars, the possibilities are as vast as the summer sky.

So grab your sunglasses, your favorite strain, and let’s dive into your corKaya approved summer bucket list:

Bliss Out at the Beach + Unwind with Cannabis on the Water

Picture this: toes in the sand, the soothing sound of waves crashing, and a perfectly rolled joint in hand. Elevate your beach outings by incorporating cannabis into your seaside adventures. Whether you’re soaking up the sun, playing beach games, or simply lounging with friends, cannabis can enhance relaxation, heighten sensory experiences, and bring an extra level of bliss to your beach days.

Pro tip: Beach days are dry and hot as is, and adding smoking to the mix can cause dehydration + dry mouth. Don’t forget to pack your water and your corKaya mints so that dry mouth won’t ruin your vibe. corKaya mints chill, soothe, and moisturize your mouth so that your mouth stays hydrated all beach day long. Buy your corKaya mints here.

Go for a High-ke + Explore Nature with a Cannabis Twist

What could be better than exploring picturesque trails, breathing in fresh air, and enjoying the therapeutic benefits of cannabis? High hiking combines the beauty of nature with the relaxing effects of cannabis, providing a unique and immersive experience. Before hitting the trails, choose strains that suit your desired experience, pack some delicious edibles, and embark on a journey to discover the wonders of nature like never before.

Host a “Canna-Q” by Infusing Cannabis into Your Summer BBQs and Picnics

Summer is synonymous with backyard BBQs and picnics in the park. Why not take your culinary skills up a notch by infusing cannabis into your grilling adventures? Experiment with cannabis-infused marinades, sauces, or even homemade burgers for a unique twist on traditional flavors. Just remember to label your creations and educate your guests on the potency, so everyone can enjoy responsibly.

Pro tip: With summer comes that hot, hot heat, wow your friends with frozen edible treats like freshly blended smoothies, cannabis infused popsicles and fudgesicles, or simply cannabis-infused ice cubes with fruit. All you need is a tincture of your favorite oil and a quick trip to the grocery store.  

Blaze into the Cosmos with Stoned Stargazing

There’s something truly captivating about gazing at the stars and pondering the vast mysteries of the universe. Now, imagine adding a touch of cannabis to this celestial experience, enhancing your connection with the cosmos and immersing yourself in a journey of wonder and introspection. With each puff, the stars become brighter, the constellations more intricate, and the vastness of space more profound. 

Stuck in the city or not in a place where you have the opportunity to stargaze au natural? Venture to your local planetarium for an equally as mind-opening experience. The guided presentations and explanations of the stars and constellations will give you a newfound appreciation for the universe. 

By incorporating cannabis into your summer bucket list, you can elevate your experiences, deepen your appreciation for the world around you, and create moments with your loved ones you will remember forever. So spark those spliffs and light your summer up! 

Celebrate National Dry Mouth Day with Your Buds at corKaya 

April 20th has a long history as the unofficial official holiday dedicated to celebrating and smoking marijuana. A day millions of Americans gather around the country to celebrate smoking with their best buds. As partakers in this holiday, corKaya is officially deeming 4/21 another counterculture holiday, National Dry Mouth Day. It’s the day after you’ve been smoking with your friends and you need to rehydrate. Think of it as the National Hangover Day to New Year’s Eve. On 4/21, all smokers should have a pack of corKaya mints ready to reset their system and get back to full HIGHdration.

What is dry mouth? Dry mouth refers to a condition in which the salivary glands in your mouth don’t make enough saliva to keep your mouth hydrated. When actives in THC or CBD meet our endocannabinoid systems, you get that dreaded dry effect. Our endocannabinoid systems are made up of receptors throughout our bodies, including our brains. The cannabinoids in marijuana can stimulate these receptors. And even though those cannabinoids activate that amazing high, they also mess with your saliva production. corKaya mints contain Xylitol, a natural substance found in many fruits and vegetables. It’s our not-so-secret sauce when it comes to dealing with dry mouth. Our bodies produce it through our metabolization processes, and it’s low in calories and doesn’t raise blood sugar. Simply put, Xylitol increases the flow of saliva, which helps combat cottonmouth.

“We believe cannabis is the next frontier when it comes to helping people with everything from pain to anxiety to creativity to inspiration,” says Courtney Gilbert, Founder of corKaya. “Our mission is to make sure you are never, ever left high and dry. So join us in celebrating National Dry Mouth Day every 4/21!”

Ways to Celebrate National Dry Mouth Day:

  • Stay hydrated: If you never leave the house without weed, make sure you never leave the house without a water bottle as well. Staying hydrated is a great way to combat dry mouth and is important to our overall well-being too. It’s recommended you drink 8-10 glasses a day to fully hydrate.
  • Humidify your home: Humidifiers, they’re not just for winters in New York anymore. Invest in a good humidifier and keep the air circulating and flowing – it’s great for your skin too!
  • Loose the latte: We get it. Nothing is better than a latte and a little weed. But lose the afternoon latte if you’re dealing with dry mouth. Caffeine leads to dehydration so sub in the above-mentioned H20 and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Suck it up: Stimulate the flow of saliva by sucking on something sweet. Studies show that hard candies or mints are a wonderful way to combat cottonmouth. We know corKaya is the perfect mint for the job.

Breaking It Down:  A Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Styles  

Marijuana has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for centuries. As its legalization spreads across the globe, people are becoming more curious about the different ways to consume it. Smoking has traditionally been the most common way to consume marijuana, but with advancements in technology and a growing market, there are now various options available to consumers. 

So many cannabis styles, so little time!

We are going to explore the different styles of marijuana consumption, including smoking flower, eating edibles, dabbing wax, and smoking vapes. We will examine the pros and cons of each method and provide a comprehensive guide to help you choose the best style for your needs. So, whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a curious newcomer, read on to discover the exciting world of marijuana consumption.


Smoking flower is the most traditional way of consuming cannabis. It involves smoking the dried buds of the plant, and it is typically done using a pipe, bong, or joint. The benefit of smoking flower is that it is the most natural way to consume cannabis, and it provides an immediate effect. Additionally, it is the most cost-effective way to consume cannabis. However, smoking can be harmful to the lungs, and it can be challenging to control the dosage accurately.


Wax is a potent form of cannabis concentrate that is extracted from the plant’s resin. It is often referred to as “dabbing,” and it is typically smoked using a special dab rig. The benefit of wax is that it is incredibly potent and can provide an intense high quickly. However, the downside of wax is that it can be challenging to dose accurately, and it can be expensive compared to other forms of cannabis.


Edibles are a popular way of consuming cannabis without smoking or inhaling anything. Edibles come in various forms, such as gummies, chocolates, and baked goods, and they can be easily consumed. The benefit of edibles is that they are discreet and convenient to use, and they have a longer-lasting effect than other methods of consumption. However, edibles can be difficult to dose accurately, and the high can take a long time to kick in.


Vaping involves heating cannabis oil or flower in a vaporizer and inhaling the vapor that is produced. Vaping has several benefits over other methods of consumption, including being healthier than smoking, discreet, easy to dose, and fast-acting. However, vaping can be expensive, and the vaporizers themselves can be complicated to use for some individuals.

With so many different styles of marijuana consumption available, the world is your oyster. Figure out what is most import to you. Fast and easy access? Controlling your dose? Price? Vibes? Where there’s a weed, there’s a way for everyone to enjoy cannabis.

Blaze your trail and light it up!

P.S Don’t forget to quench that dry mouth with corKaya. corKaya mints chill, soothe, and moisturize your mouth, eliminating dry mouth once and for all! Purchase yours here.

Meet Courtney Gilbert, Founder of corKaya: Breaking the *Grass* Ceiling & Taking Names 

International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the incredible achievements of women throughout history and around the world. One such woman is the founder of corKaya, Courtney Gilbert who has broken down barriers and challenged stereotypes to create a successful business in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

Born and raised in Long Island, New York, Courtney started smoking weed when she was in college as a way to relax and unwind after stressful days. Little did she know this stress-relieving past time was about to change her life. She quickly realized that after smoking not only was she relaxed but also more creative and productive. The only con, was the dreaded dry mouth that comes with it. She quickly realized that there was a huge gap in the market for products that were specifically designed for cannabis related to dry mouth, and she set out to fill that gap.

Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges along the way, including navigating formulating a product from scratch and dealing with the stigma surrounding cannabis, Courtney refused to give up. She worked tirelessly to develop corKaya to help save people all over the country from the dreaded experience of dry mouth.

Today, corKaya is a thriving business that empowers women to take control of their highs. By creating a comfortable environment for everyone to explore the benefits of cannabis, Courtney has not only built a successful business but also a community of empowered smokers.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we honor the many incredible women who have paved the way for future generations. We hope that this interview will inspire and empower other women who are considering a career in entrepreneurship, as well as offer valuable advice and guidance to those already on the path.

Meet the Founder of corKaya, Courtney Gilbert.

Q: Tell us corKaya’s origin story.

C: One cold winter day I was relaxing and I was stoned, and I remember thinking how uncomfortable the dry mouth was and decided I would go online and order something for it.  And when I started looking around I realized that there was nothing specifically out there that was created for cannabis related dry mouth, and I almost felt obligated to change that. With THC and CBD legalization on the rise, I thought I could help save myself and people all over the country.

Q: What’s in a name: what does corKaya mean?

C: Let’s just say we went through a ton of names. But, when we combined a part of my name, Courtney, with the word Kaya we knew we had something unique and special. Kaya is one of those words that means so many different and beautiful things in so many different languages: one being peace with ones self and if you are a Bob Marley fan, then you know Kaya also means weed.

Q: What is corKaya’s mission?

C: To combat dry mouth one mint at a time. We hope to reach everyone who enjoys THC and CBD and help them with a problem that’s been around since the beginning of (high) time.

Q: How long did it take you to create the recipe/formulations for corKaya?

C: The entire process took about 2 years. I went to see a facility in New Jersey at first and then another in Chicago, which is who we ended up going with. I worked with the manufacturer day and night to perfect the ingredients list. They would make a candy sample and ship it to me, I would give flavor and hydration feedback, and then they would create a new sample, and repeat. For months on end.. I ended up mixing a couple of different mint flavors together to create the perfect blend.

Q: What were some of the biggest obstacles of being an entrepreneur?

C: Being a female entrepreneur. The odds are stacked against us. But, when I went to the cannabis expo I immediately felt at home. I met all of these strong, supportive, and powerful women in cannabis, it inspired me to make corKaya a reality and a huge success.

Q:What sets corKaya apart from other products?

C: corKaya contains Xylitol, a natural substance found in many fruits and vegetables. It’s our not-so-secret sauce when it comes to dealing with dry mouth. Our bodies produce it through our metabolization processes, and it’s low in calories and doesn’t raise blood sugar. Simply put, Xylitol increases the flow of saliva, which helps combat cottonmouth. 

Q: Why does dry mouth happen?

C: Our endocannabinoid systems are made up of receptors throughout our bodies, including our brains. The cannabinoids in marijuana can stimulate these receptors. And even though those cannabinoids give us that amazing high, they also mess with our saliva production.

Q:When did you start smoking weed & why? 

C: I started smoking weed in college. I was a Musical Theater major so I had classes all day and rehearsals all night. At the end of the day I just needed to relax my mind and my body. I found that smoking weed was the best way for me to just calm down and relax.

Q: In 2021, Executive female representation in the cannabis industry is down to 22%—a stark contrast from 2019 (36%), and well below the average for U.S. mainstream businesses (30%). What is your opinion on this statistic?

C: I love being a women in the cannabis industry, knowing there aren’t as many of us represented. I went to Champs, a huge convention in Vegas and it was definitely male dominated but I love breaking the rules and doing something that not everyone else does. 

Rapid fire questions:

Q: Sativa vs Indica? 

C: Definitely Sativa

Q: Favorite high munchie? 

C: Cool Ranch Doritos

Q: Flower or Edible or Pen? 

C: Vape pen most of the time, it’s just so convenient and easy to use anywhere. But if smoking with a group, then it’s a joint. 

Q: Favorite high activity?

C: Making candles

Q: Favorite dispensary?

C: There’s two answers for that: for Medical its Curaleaf Forest Hills, and for recreational its Union Square Travel Agency

Ten Questions for our Founder

1) When did you come up with the idea for corKaya?

One cold December day I was hanging out and feeling good, and no matter how much water I was drinking, I was still super dry. I started googling solutions and couldn’t find a fix, so I took matters into my own hands and set out to solve this lifelong stoner problem.  With THC and CBD legalization on the rise, I thought I could help save myself and people all over the country.

2) How did you go about making the actual mint and deciding on the flavor?

I worked with a candy manufacturer for over a year to perfect the ingredients list.  They would make a candy sample and ship it to me, I would give flavor and hydration feedback, and then they would create a new sample, and repeat. For months on end.. I ended up mixing a couple of different mint flavors together to create the perfect blend.

3) How did you come up with the name corKaya and what does it mean?

Let’s just say we went through a ton of names.  But, when we combined a part of my name (Courtney) with the word Kaya we knew we had something unique and special.  Kaya is one of those words that means so many different and beautiful things in so many different languages, and if you are a Bob Marley fan, then you know Kaya also means weed.

4) Why did you decide to donate a portion of your profits to NAMI?

I personally have dealt with depression my entire life and cannabis has always been a huge help.  I would love to end the stigma attached to depression, anxiety, and all mental illness and NAMI is an incredible organization that continues to help so many people.

5) What were some of the biggest obstacles in doing all of this and being an entrepreneur?

Being a female entrepreneur.  The odds are stacked against us.  But, when I went to the cannabis expo and met all of these strong, supportive, and powerful women in cannabis, it inspired me to make corKaya a reality and a huge success.

6) What has the reception been to the brand?

This past December, we went to MJBizCon in Las Vegas to test out our mints on the best audience possible. Armed with 500 samples and my girl Chelsea, we handed out mints wherever we could and the feedback was amazing. The community was so warm and supportive and we met so many amazing people that inspired us even more as we got ready to launch.   Everyone agreed it’s a product that we’ve been needing forever.

7) As you launch, what are your hopes and dreams?

We hope to reach everyone who enjoys THC and CBD and help them with a problem that’s been around since the beginning of (high) time.

8) What’s next after launch?

Sleep. And, then we will start developing a few new flavor profiles to bring to market.  And, we are even looking at a few surprisingly different ways of bringing our corKaya magic to more and more stoners.

9) What are some of your favorite activities to do while stoned?

I love making candles, taking pilates classes, and kayaking. Basically anything but laundry.

10) What are you looking forward to in 2020?

A little more unity,  a lot more legalization, and a whole lotta corKaya.